W. Scott Pattullo Wiki

Note: This article is about a subject W. Scott Pattullo didn't create and has no affiliation with.

Splatoon logo
Splatoon logo
Created 2015
Creator(s) Nintendo
Website Splatoon for Wii U

Splatoon is a video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Wii U console in 2015. It is a cartoony 3rd-person shooter that was released in North America on May 29, 2015.

On this wiki[]

W. Scott Pattullo is in no way associated with Splatoon nor Nintendo. Splatoon is a Nintendo-owned property. But Splatoon plays a role in influencing Scott's work, so an article for it exists here on this wiki.

Scott's work[]

Listed below is Scott's work on this wiki having to do with Splatoon.

See also[]

External links[]
