W. Scott Pattullo Wiki
W. Scott Pattullo Wiki
Bogie and Bacall
Artist W. Scott Pattullo
Date July 2016
Media Charcoal on paper
Size 18"x24"

Bogie and Bacall is a charcoal portrait W. Scott Pattullo drew in 2016.


Scott completed the piece on July 27, 2016 after working on it for a total of a little over five hours. The reference he used was from an image he found in a Google search of the two actors Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. It was then uploaded to his Facebook and DeviantART pages the next day.

A few years later, on April 18, 2020, it was posted to his ArtStation page. It was posted to his Cara page July 22, 2024.

Subject and title[]

It's a charcoal portrait of the actors Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall.


The piece was done entirely in charcoal.

See also[]